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10 surprising places to admire flowers in Hong Kong

By Ching Yuen 22 July 2020 | Last Updated 2 March 2021

Header image courtesy of @philipyuhk (via Instagram)

Originally published by Ching Yuen. Last updated by Catharina Cheung.

One flower on its own is pretty, but if you get a whole sea of flowers laid out in front of you, now that’s true beauty. Heading to the real outdoors is the next best option compared to staying at home during this difficult situation, so we decided to brighten up your day with these surprising places to find seas of flowers. Most of these places are quite far from the crowded city centre but be sure to keep your mask on and don’t step on anything you shouldn’t!

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Cole flowers

Cole flowers are also known as rape blossoms, the same plant from which rapeseed oil is processed. In Hong Kong, seas of cole flowers are found in two places: the Long Valley wetlands and at Cheung House in Sha Lo Tung. The Long Valley wetlands are made up of over 400 patches of farming soil, planted with all sorts of vegetables, swamps and cole flower fields. On the other hand, Sha Lo Tung used to be renowned for its dragonflies and fireflies, which have since been replaced by fields of cole flowers. These flowers usually bloom between February and April so that’s when you should plan your visit.

Long Valley wetland, Ho Sheung Heung, Sheung Shui

Cheung House, Sha Lo Tung, Lok Tung Street, Pat Sin Leng, Tai Po

How to get to Long Valley wetland:

From Sheung Shui MTR station, take the minibus 51K and alight at Ho Sheung Village Office. Make your way through the village to the Sheung Yue River and cross it to get to the Long Valley wetlands.

How to get to Cheung House:

From Tai Po Market MTR station, take bus 73 or 74K, or minibus 26 or 26A, and get off at Fung Yuen Road, then follow the road behind Fung Yuen Playground to get to the trailhead. Eventually, the trail will intersect with Fung Yuen Road; turn right and simply keep heading up. Alternatively, bus 72C or 74E will take you to Fung Yuen Bus Terminus. From the Mont Vert Clubhouse 3, simply keep walking up Fung Yuen Road, past the Butterfly Reserve, and stay on the same main path until you reach Sha Lo Tung village.


There’s no need to fly all the way to Hokkaido for their sunflower fields because Hong Kong has its own right in Yuen Long! San Tin Farm in Shek Wu Wai cultivates a massive sunflower field that is in full bloom throughout the months of summer. There are two different types of sunflowers that you can find: one with a yellow centre which can grow up to 150 centimetres, and another type with a dark brown centre that can grow up to 200 centimetres! Admission to the farm is $10 per person, though if you want to step inside the sunflower field, you’ll have to fork out an additional $60 per person, which serves as a maintenance fee for the farm. You can also buy sunflowers at $20 each to take home with you—it’s definitely worth it for the pics!

San Tin Farm, Shek Wu Wai, Yuen Long | (+852) 9252 4348

How to get there:

From Yuen Long Station, make your way to the Yoho Mall bus terminal, then take either the bus 76K or minibus 17, alighting at Shek Wu Wai stop. You can also get to the same bus station from Kam Sheung Road Station bus terminal, via minibus 78.

Photo credit: @ondogdot (via Instagram)

Water hyacinth

Water hyacinths grow on top of ponds and rivers so if you see a field of them, make sure not to step in! You can find a sea of water hyacinths when you wander around Fung Kat Heung in Kam Tin, and you can spot their beautiful blue colours on the pond surfaces. When they bloom on top of whatever body of water they reside, it will form a real sea of flowers. You might as well make it a day trip to Yuen Long by exploring the villages around the area since you need to be really lucky to see the water hyacinths; they usually only bloom for one day during May and wilt by nightfall.

Fung Kat Heung, Kam Tin, Yuen Long

How to get there:

From Yuen Long Station, take the minibus 603 and alight at Fung Kat Heung. You can also take a taxi, which should cost less than $50. The water hyacinth flowers grow in pockets around the village, so simply wander around the area as you fancy.

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Photo credit: Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (via Facebook)

Queen’s wreath

Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden is a flower paradise filled with all varieties of blooms, though we are going to focus on the regal queen’s wreath here. This particular flower bears an ethereal blue tint on its petals, making its beauty fit for royalty. Originating from Mexico, you can find this flower near the Kadoorie Farm square and also on the hills of the Botanic Garden. Take some time to hunt for the most luscious bushes for the perfect photo!

Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po | (+852) 2483 7200

How to get there:

From either Tai Po Market Station or Kam Sheung Road Station, take bus 64K to the Kadoorie Farm bus stop. There is also a shuttle bus that runs a loop of seven stops within the compound of the farm itself.


If you’re lucky with your timing, another sea of flowers that you can find at Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden is the field of wild hydrangea. They usually bloom during May and June will all sorts of colours, depending on the pH levels present in the soil. With more acidic soil, the hydrangeas usually grow into blue tones, whereas more alkalic soil leads to purple and red hydrangeas. You can also admire blooms of hydrangea at the Victoria Peak Garden in Central, usually hidden away from the more-trodden paths, so get ready to explore!

Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po | (+852) 2483 7200

Victoria Peak Garden, Mount Austin Road, The Peak

How to get to Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden:

From either Tai Po Market Station or Kam Sheung Road Station, take bus 64K to the Kadoorie Farm bus stop. There is also a shuttle bus that runs a loop of seven stops within the compound of the farm itself.

How to get to Victoria Peak Garden:

Make your way up The Peak either by hiking up, via the Peak Tram, or bus 15B. Once at the Peak Tower, head up Mount Austin Road, turning in along Mount Austin Playground, and simply keep following it until you reach The Mountain Lodge Guard House and the gardens beyond.

Photo credit: Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (via Facebook)


You can find over 2,500 kinds of flowers at Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden that bloom at different times throughout the year, ensuring that you can enjoy a bit of flowery goodness whenever you go. Azaleas, especially the vivid red ones, are always in demand for their bright colours and their sturdiness. The blooms usually last up to a month and you don’t even need to jostle for space to get a good snap; the hills at the Botanic Garden are widely covered in azalea trees. Be sure to check out their Facebook page for regular updates to find out what’s in season!

Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Lam Kam Road, Tai Po | (+852) 2483 7200

How to get there:

From either Tai Po Market Station or Kam Sheung Road Station, take bus 64K to the Kadoorie Farm bus stop. There is also a shuttle bus that runs a loop of seven stops within the compound of the farm itself.

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Golden trumpet

If you find yourself at Nam Cheong Park, you may notice the two lines of golden trumpet trees casting a bright blanket of leaves and petals over the heart of the park. The trees reach full bloom every March and April, making it a great springtime walk for couples and families, as well as a magnificent picnic spot to take your time while taking in the sights. If you angle your camera properly, you can even make it look like you’re falling on a sea of yellow flowers!

Nam Cheong Park, 20 Sham Mong Road, Sham Shui Po | (+852) 2370 9954

How to get there:

The quickest way to get to the park is to come out of exit D1 at Nam Cheong Station, which puts you at the northern end of the park. Buses 12, 701, 971, and A21 also stop right outside the park itself.

Photo credit: @shokwaav (via Atlas Obscura)


Un Chau Estate in Cheung Sha Wan has a truly hidden gem that appears only in springtime. Concealed by the crowded buildings of Hong Kong, this vast public housing estate contains a garden that is overlooked by many, but those who chance upon it could find themselves traversing through a fairytale-like tunnel. When spring comes, the ceiling of the tunnel is covered in rhododendrons, pink leaves, tiny white flowers, and vines that wind all around the walkway. We challenge you not to twirl around singing like a Disney character!

Un Chau Estate, 303 Castle Peak Road, 303 Un Chau Street, Cheung Sha Wan

How to get there:

From Cheung Sha Wan Station, simply come out of exit A3 or C2 and you’re already at Un Chau Estate! There is also a large range of bus lines that run to the estate or the MTR station.

Red cotton flowers

If you missed the annual foliage of red leaves during autumn, you can always wait for the red cotton trees to bloom during March. There are many places across Hong Kong that sprout these fiery blossoms, but Shek Kong Barracks has a whole hillside covered in them to create an imposing sea of red when they come into bloom! Since the area is quite remote and tucked deep within the New Territories, there is less pollution, crisp air, and maximum enjoyment!

Shek Kong Barracks, Route Twisk, Yuen Long, New Territories

How to get there:

From Kam Sheung Road Station, catch minibus 608 and alight at Shek Kong Camp stop, or get bus 54, 77K, 251B, or 251M to the Pat Heung Shek Kong Bridge stop a little ways down the road. Both modes of transport will drop you off right outside the barracks.

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By Catharina Cheung 24 February 2021
By Annette Chan 19 February 2021


One of the Netherlands’ most memorable vistas is vast fields of tulip flowers arranged neatly by colour, attracting scores of tourists and photography enthusiasts each year to wander through its blossoming rows. Luckily for us, Hong Kong has its own version of tulip fields in Sai Kung. Head on over to Pak Lap Village to find a farm near the entrance of the village, which grows orange and light purple tulips in decent-sized fields. Further in, another farm area with an accompanying campsite has white, yellow, and cherry tulips planted in neat circular plots. There are some colourfully painted buildings in the village itself that will make a nice background to the blossoms.

How to get there:

As a small village deep in eastern Sai Kung, Pak Lap Village could be a bit of a pain to get to because public transport will only take you so far. The minibus 9A from Pak Tam Chung runs to High Island Reservoir East Dam, and from there you’ll have to walk back along Sai Kung Man Yee Road in the direction the minibus came from for 1.3 kilometres, then turn left into the trail after the campsite to reach the village. Otherwise, take the easier option of hopping into a taxi from Sai Kung town centre which will save you more than half the walking distance.

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Ching Yuen


Having lived in Hong Kong, Beijing, and London sure is a fun fact whenever people try to guess Ching’s accent. She loves switching between all these language channels and her “mother tongue” is just determined by how many drinks she’s had for the night! She loves movies, travelling, and exploring cities, from hidden alleys to gourmet dining, so feel free to hit her up if you need any suggestions for dinner!

